Enter a temporary image name (or use the random one) and your email address and you'll be provided with an image link with tracking for 72 hours. If someone else loads that image from a different IP address during that time, you'll receive details via email.
Due to the risk of abuse, IP addresses are no longer displayed. The idea behind this tool was to match multiple online identities to each other, not to attempt to find their location. You will now see a code representing their IP address. Two identical IP addresses will provide identical codes. Try sending two "different" people different images and compare the results. If you provide a jpeg, png or gif image (less than 5MB) it will be displayed. If no image is provided a clear pixel will be used.
Disclaimer: All records and images are deleted after 72 hours or as soon as the image is accessed from another IP. Images will not be used for any other purpose. Due to the use of proxy servers, information may not be accurate. Detrave.net is not responsible for what you do with the public information provided by this page.